
Saturday, May 11, 2013

I’m still breathing

I know I’ve all but disappeared from here but to be honest, I just haven’t been buying many cards.  I do have stuff I can post but I haven’t been in the mood.  I think a lot of that is just not wanting to do the scanning, it seems to be most of the work.  I’ve gotten some PWE’s from “JayBarkerFan’s Junk” and even one Manila one with an awesome photograph.  And a envelope full of White Sox cards from Uncle Moe over at “My 2008 Topps Set Blog” that was a surprise.

I haven’t gotten completely out of collecting, just the blogging part of it.  I mentioned in my last post that I was changing my collection.  I have added quite a few players (which is what type of collector I was as a kid).  One of these days I’ll get around to posting them all.  A couple of the players I collect were never White Sox players either, which means I don’t have much of their cards yet.  Most of them were White Sox players at a time so I do have a bunch of those.

I have gone through all my cards and pulled the new player collection cards as well as took out all of the White Sox cards that don’t fit into the new team sets collections.  I need to update all my lists yet as well since I took cards out of my team cards to add to the player collections.  I didn’t break up any of my finished team sets, just the ones that weren’t completed yet. 

I had a little bit of money leftover in my COMC account and I used that to pick up some cards for Ryan over at “O No!!!  Another Orioles Blog” to finish that trade.  I received them today Ryan, but I work the next couple of days so I probably won’t get it out today later next week.

I’m also trying to get some cards together for Marcus of “All The Way To The Backstop” together to complete that trade with him.  I also have some vintage to send “JayBarkerFan’s Junk” as soon as I get those together.

Now if I could just get Jeff over at “2 by 3 Heroes” to finish his want lists, I could probably send him another box of White Sox cards.

So as you can see, I haven’t let the sport go, just the blog at this point.  I’m not coming out and saying that I’m quitting the blog, but I have considered it.  So don’t expect a lot of posting coming for awhile, but I may be back in the future.  And you can always follow me at my usual outlets or my personal blog “Random Thoughts From A Random Guy”.  I am around so don’t be afraid to keep in touch.  I am doing a lot of scanning of most of your blogs and if something catches my eye, I will still leave comments.