
Sunday, October 4, 2015

New Additions - Carlton Fisk collection

This round of cards have all been randomized, let's get to today's cards.

*For those new to the blog, all purchases were made on Ebay (unless otherwise noted) and all were under $.50/shipped.

Just one picked up for the Fisk collection but it's a Leaf which are a little more hard to grab.

Check out My Personal Collections (now with over 2600 cards) and My Baseball Card Obsession (now with over 3300 cards and over 1000 different card labels and 1625 players).

Saturday, October 3, 2015

New Additions - White Sox Collection (2012-2015)

This round of cards have all been randomized, let's get to today's cards.

Today's random post came up with White Sox collection additions from the modern era of cards. There is only 1 more post in this round, we'll see if I can't squeeze that out tomorrow then I'm not sure what I'm going to do because I haven't gotten any more cards since I received these

*For those new to the blog, all purchases were made on Ebay (unless otherwise noted) and all were under $.50/shipped.

3 pretty cools cards picked up from Ebay. I've thought about a player collection of Abreu because I like him and the way he plays but I'm leery because I'm afraid he won't stay with the White Sox, that is the way of the world anymore. A Topps parallel of Hector Santiage and a Gold Adam Eaton.

My cousin also threw in this card and I assume it was a throw in because it was the only modern card that wasn't a player collection in the box but I needed it so I'll take it.

Check out My Personal Collections (now with over 2600 cards) and My Baseball Card Obsession (now with over 3300 cards and over 1000 different card labels and 1625 players).