
Friday, January 31, 2020

Sportlots - Tier 1 PC's - PK

Nothing like the last day of the month to finish my January pick-ups. I would have posted it in the last couple of days but after my perfect attendance for work last year, I got extremely sick and had to miss. I figured since I was home, I could post. Nope, didn't feel like doing anything, so you get it on the last day.

I got my cards for next month but I still have to log them before I can start posting them which I should be able to do this weekend.

Enough about that, let's check out the final tier 1 player collection. He would be my favorite player which is why I saved the best for last.

I enjoy seeing him in other uniforms because it means those team lost out on him, which was good for us. I don't have a ton of cards of his in the Reds uniform but I have some. I think he was only there less than a year, I could look it up, but I'm lazy. These 3 cards give me 439 cards of Paulie.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Sportlots - Tier 1 PC's - Tom Terrific

Down to the last 2 posts, down to the last vintage player of this package. He's a HOF'r and he played for the Sox, both of them actually, but I remember him from when I was a Mets fan as a kid.

That top card also goes to the Vintage collection and the White Sox collection. A 3 for 1 you could say. The bottom 2 only go to the Seaver collection which now stands at 371 cards. 

Monday, January 27, 2020

Sportlots - Tier 1 PC's - Williams

What? A Cubs player in a White Sox fans collection? I know, I know. It is what it is. If you haven't guessed who today's collection is yet, then you haven't followed this blog long enough. Shame on you!

These 2 cards from the 70's decade set give me 67 cards of Billy. Since I'm going through my player collections and organizing them and comparing actual cards to what TCDB has, I realized I don't have all of his playing day base cards so I'll be looking for some of those on my next Sportlots shopping day.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Sportlots - Tier 1 PC's - Aparicio

Another day, another Tier 1 PC post.

I'm down to 4 posts left of my January shipment from Sportlots. 3 after today. Today, our player collection cards are also White Sox collection cards, well, 2 of them are.

3 more Little Luis cards to add to the Aparicio collection. These 3 (and the ones I found not logged yet but already put away) put this collection at 91 cards. I might have to search out more cards to get to that century mark.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Blaster Box from Target

We'll take a break from the Sportlots posts as of late. As I mentioned yesterday, I'd probably ship the cards in my box this weekend and I have. I actually got an email from Sportlots saying that the postage rates were going up (USPS) so today was the last day at the old rates so I went over this morning and hit ship. By then I should be done with the last SL posts.

Also as I mentioned yesterday, I had to go into Target to pick up an online order so I figured I'd check the card aisle. It has been a long time since being in a Target and apparently they moved the card aisle from next to the registers to all the way in the back. I had to ask. So I headed back there and there wasn't a ton of stuff to choose from. I usually look for the best bang for my buck. That would have been the 2019 Topps series 1 as it was 99 cards for $20. I actually purchased a blaster and some packs of Series 1 when it came out so I wouldn't have needed most of those.

My other options in blasters was Donruss Optic and Topps Archives. We all know I like Vintage so you can guess which one I went with. I won't show all the cards, just the ones for my collections and the inserts/SP. I went to log in the Archives to TCDB and realized I didn't have even 1 card so I already knew I would need most (depending on dupes) or all of them.

These were 2 of the inserts. Not bad I guess, the Ichiro does nothing for me. Nothing against him but I was never a collector of his. He was a great player and person (from what I've heard) and was a hit machine, he was great for baseball just not really anything to me. The Ohtani is a decent card as he is supposed to be a pretty good pitcher who can hit but has been battling injuries since coming over from Japan.

These were another reason I wanted the Archives, it said it had coins in them. I don't know why I like them but I do. That being said, you can't complain about those 2 names

These 2 are short prints at the end of the set. All-Stars, Highlight and Rookies are all SP at the end of the set. Again, can't complain about the first card. I don't have a bunch of Mike Trout's as he's not in any my collections but the 2 above doubled what I did have.

This was also a short print and I definitely know who he is as he had his own insert set in series 1. Also, my cousin (Sluggo) who sends me cards is a Braves fan so this will probably head out his way since he sends me a ton of cards all the time. I knew it was different out of the pack as the cardboard is different.

You all will probably enjoy the cards above but the following are the ones that go to my collections.

This was the only White Sox card I pulled and he's no longer a Sox player. Either way, it goes into the White Sox collection.

I did get a few player collection cards as well starting with this Johnny Bench. This is my 94th card of one of the Big Red Machine. Love the vintage look of these which is a good thing because I got a few for my PC's.

Also got one of the Kid for the Gary Carter collection. Not to mention an Expos card is always good for any collection. This is my 125th card of Carter.

Last but not least, another Sox card just the wrong color. Did I mention that I like the vintage feel of these cards. This Fisk is my 159th of his PC.

I wasn't disappointed with the blaster. I got some good players and I usually average around 4 cards to my PC's but usually it's more White Sox cards and less player collection cards. That's probably because this set has a lot more older players in it than, say, Series 1.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Sportlots - Tier 1 PC's - Dravecky

The wife made me go to Target today, it was supposed to be a drive up pick up but she text me at work to inform me she screwed it up and I had to go in. So you all know what that means. I bought a box of cards. I haven't logged them yet so you'll have to wait to see what I got, probably tomorrow.

Today we're going to look at another Tier 1 PC pick-up from Sportlots. It's Friday so I'm going to go and pick up some more cards today and I'll probably ship what I have in my box as we are getting into the end of the month so I'll have some cards to post next month. I'm still working out exactly how I'm going to do this with Sportlots but this seems to be working for now.

Just one card again today. I have trouble finding cards of him, partly because there isn't a ton like those players who played in the 90's. TCDB only has 88 cards listed of him and this card is my 37th. A lot of what's left are oddballs suck as this card. I don't remember this Fleer set, I had a bunch of them back in the day but this one is from 1988 and that's about when I stopped collecting.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Sportlots - Tier 1 PC's with Hart

We made it to the Tier 1 collection additions. Woo Hoo! I'm going to do a post for each player so today you only get 1 card. I'm starting with this guy since we just finished a bunch of Michigan Men and he is one of those. He's still my favorite player all time with Michigan.

This is my 44th card of Mike Hart. Out of all those cards, only 3 are not from 2008 and those 3 are from 2009. Which makes it more surprising out of the other 41 cards that I didn't have the regular base from Bowman yet but at least I do now.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Sportlots - Tier 2, Michigan Men part 3

This is the last (but not least) of the Michigan guys from Tier 2. I'm currently watching their basketball team and it isn't good. They couldn't hit a 3 if they moved the line in to a layup.

We'll start off with the same photo we've seen a hundred times of Taylor Lewan. I now have 22 cards of Taylor and 9 of them are this same photo. That's a tad ridiculous.

3 more of Darboh. I started his collection off with a bunch of relics and autos and have lately started getting more base and inserts of him. These 3 make 25 cards, 19 of those are relics or autos.

I managed one more Jehu card as well.  This one only gives me 9 of him.

Also managed one more of Moe Hurst and this only makes 8 of him. The nice thing about his collection is they are all Michigan uniforms.

Also got 3 more Jake Butt's, 2 in the maize an blue. Really like the bottom card because of the block M. These cards get his collection up to 18 cards. Some of these Michigan collections are moving along a little faster with Sportlots.

Next up are my tier 1 purchases or my main player collections. I know Sportlots will help out there because I rarely pick up any of their cards on Ebay.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Sportlots - Tier 2 Michigan Men, part 2

I know it's been pretty boring titles of late, I promise I'll do better with the next shipment. I actually have a couple of cards coming directly to me because I needed them for a set, they were the cheapest on the site and he charged the same to ship to me as he did to Sportlots so I just shipped them here. According to the seller, they should be here Friday but I can't show them until after my next Sportlots shipment because they go with other cards in it.

I finished going through by Konerko cards after work today. I ended up with a stack of about 25 cards to sort. Most of them were dupes so they went to my Sox dupe box for Jeff (if I ever get around to sending them). The rest of them I added onto TCDB and with all of the shuffling of cards, I ended up with 1 less Konerko than I started. Although technically, I had 2 cards that I couldn't find on the TCDB at all.

I believe my next album is Tom Seaver, so that one will take awhile as well as he is my 3rd highest PC.

On to today's cards. As mentioned, these are more collections of Michigan players that I watched play in recent years.

This is the nice thing about using Sportlots now is that I can pick up players that you don't run into often on Ebay. These 3 cards (base, optic and holo) double my Jake Rudock collection up to 6 cards.

I got to add another Chris Wormley. This card gives me 9 but technically 7 different ones as I have dupes of an autograph in there as well. Out of the 9 cards, 5 of them are autographs so it's more rare to get a non hit card of his.

This is another guy that I rarely see. He signed with Miami but only played in 5 games and only caught a few short passes. He's currently in the XFL. This is my 7th card of him and 6 of those are in the Maize and Blue which are always better.

I went for awhile before I was able to start picking up Pepper's cards cheap. He was a stud in college but his popularity has died down (doesn't help playing for Cleveland). These 3 make 7 cards of him now.

I got one more post of Michigan men before I head into my Tier 1 pick-ups from Sportlots.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Sportlots - Tier 2 Michigan Men

I finished logging everything from my blog to my Google Doc yesterday so today, I went down to my desk and put away a few cards and then decided that I should start going through my PC's and make sure everything I have on TCDB was correct. My first album has Konerko in it so I started off with one of my biggest collections. Needless to say, 5 hours later, I still wasn't done.

I ended up finding cards I had listed, that I don't have. I deleted those off TCDB but I'm hoping the cards turn up somewhere, probably in my boxes which I will eventually go through those as well. I also have a few that I noticed are not in so hopefully those will equal out and I'll end up with the same amount of cards.

In order to do the above, I took all the PK cards out and started off by putting them in teams. Then I broke down the White Sox (probably 95% of the cards) into manufacturers and then I broke down the Topps and Upper Deck to the sets since those were the highest stacks. I went to TCDB, loaded up my collection in the gallery format and put them in order in the pages. By year and manufacturer. Each year I would start a new page so there is room to place new cards. Before, I would just add new cards to the end of his pages. I like this better and will do that with most of my collections, especially the larger ones.

On to today's cards, as the title states, all these are former Michigan men that I collect because they are Michigan men. All of them were picked up for $.25/shipped on Sportlots.

I'll start off with the only basketball player I picked up this round. It is my 11th card of Caris LeVert. Coming out of Michigan, I didn't think he was going to be that good of a pro. Just goes to show what I know.

This is my 2nd highest player collection since I started collecting Michigan players that I watched at Michigan. These 3 make 43 cards of Funchess who now plays for the Colts, go figure. Although he's been out injured and only signed a 1 year contract so I assume he'll be gone before next season. I stopped watching Colts games a couple of years ago.

Shoelace would be my top player collection as mentioned above. These 3 put him at 51 cards. He's also my highest football player collection.