
Tuesday, March 31, 2020


As I've told you before, since we're off work, I'm working on my cards for at least a few hours a day. I can't really say that I'm organizing because for the most part my cards are organized, or so I though.
What I do now when I get new cards is I log them onto a spreadsheet and add them to TCDB. The spreadsheets lists the card info, the collection it goes into as well as how I got it and how much I paid for it. I started this spreadsheet after I started collecting so I have a lot of cards that aren't listed on it yet. So what I'm doing now is checking the cards on hand, with that spreadsheet as well as making sure I have it listed on TCDB. I did this with all my player collections and am now working on the vintage collection.
I will occasionally find a card or 2 that I have listed but I don't have on hand anymore. I couldn't tell you where they went but I don't have them or at least haven't found them yet. If you remember, last month I claimed that I had finished the 1985 Topps set. Well today, I worked my way up to that set and according to what I have on hand, I'm still 40 cards short. What I can't figure out is, I have cards 1-400 and 500-792 but for some reason, I'm missing 40 cards between 400-500. That makes me think that they are somewhere else and somehow got misplaced. I'm really hoping that is the issue, it just seems odd that all the cards are in between that 100 cards. It's not like I purchase them in order so those would be missing. I'm sure I'll come up with them somewhere. Last time I sorted I probably did a crappy job. I'm hoping they are mixed in somewhere with the 1986 or 1987 or at the least, somehow ended up in the White Sox collection drawer.
Anyways, I'm going to town on the vintage collection since I'm home because I really want to go through the Sox collection. I'm guessing I have a lot more Sox cards unaccounted for then I do the vintage collection. I started collecting those before I started the vintage collection and way before I started the spreadsheet. Plus I love looking of TCDB to see how many cards I have of certain players, and when I'm finished I'll have a better idea how many cards I have.
I was supposed to go back to work this coming Tuesday (week from today) but they called me today and have pushed it back to the 13th which just means more times to get all of this done. Instead of taking 3 years of a little time here and there, I'm hoping to be done before the 13th although judging by all the people out on the roads, I'm guessing it'll continue to keep getting pushed back because people aren't staying home.
Either way, I feel like a kid again, just sitting around and sorting cards for hours on end. The lack of money coming in sucks but I am enjoying the time off.
All the cards (pics) in this post were taken from TCDB, they are listed (on TCDB) as my highest priced vintage cards. I guarantee that none of my copies of those cards are mint so they aren't nearly worth as much as their site says but I felt like I should at least show some cards so you didn't read my rambling for nothing.

Monday, March 30, 2020


* I put my February purchases on random for today's post.

I guess technically I didn't random this post as it's the only post left for the month, and with a day to spare. This probably should have been the first post this month as now everyone has already seen these cards but it's the way the random fell.

I picked up all of these on Sportlots, all were under $.50, most were only $.18. After I purchased these but before I had them shipped to me, my cousin sent his package to me and it had some of these in it as well so I ended up with some dupes but I'm alright with that. I need a couple of the photo variations to complete the base set and there were plenty of parallels and other stuff that I still need but I pretty much knocked the base set off quickly.

I'm not sure why the Tim Anderson card doesn't have the yellow League Leader like the Abreu does considering he led the league in batting average. Only thing I can figure is that he'll have another card in series II with the LL on it.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Iron Sunday

* I put my February purchases on random for today's post.

Today you get the player collection. All these cards came from Sluggo and they go to one of my top (by count) player collections.

There's a little bit of mixture between the 90's and current in there. He sent me a bunch of Ripken's but these 9 were the only ones I didn't have. They give me 487 cards of the Iron Man and when I said it was one of my top (by count) collections, it is the top.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Sox additions

* I put my February purchases on random for today's post.

I headed down to my card room again this morning for a few hours and knocked out 1977, 1978 and 1979. I usually go down until my laptop is about dead so it's usually 3-4 hours. I could take my charger down there but usually by then the office chair is starting to kick my ass so I kind of use that as a timer.

I have 3 posts left this month. A team post, a year post, and a player post. Today, you get the team post. Since I only collect 2 teams, you got a 50% chance of guessing.

About half these came from Sluggo, the other half Sportlots. I believe all of them are 2019's except the Frazier. Some of those were trying to complete team sets, others I searched for by name. Either way, they all go to the White Sox collection.

For the hell of it, I clicked to see where I rank amongst other White Sox collector's, I didn't think I'd be that high. I'm listed as #8, but I'm still 4,300 behind the top guy. I'm sure I'll add more once I start logging in the Sox collection cards but I'm sure there won't be that many that I add.

Friday, March 27, 2020

A Terrific Friday

* I put my February purchases on random for today's post.

As I see a lot of you are doing, I'm spending my days at home working on organizing my collections. In my case, I'm verifying what I have on hand is what I actually show on TCDB. I've done all my player collections and I started on my vintage collection. I've finished up to 1976 today. Checking TCDB is the easy part, verifying I have them on my Google Sheet is taking me longer.

I got bored the other day (it happens a lot these days) and I went through all my player collections to see where I ranked against other collector's. I saw a couple of Tweets where people were adding their collections and checking their ranks so I was curious. I was #1 on a couple but the following player really surprised me. BTW - if you haven't figured out who it is yet, his nickname is in the title of this post.

I'm sure there are other people out there collecting him that have a lot more than me, I just figured with a guy that has over 5,200 cards on TCDB, that my 382 wouldn't be #1 but there it is. I really like the last one, he doesn't get enough modern cards with the Reds. Even though he played for the Sox, I remember him more with the Mets and Reds.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Poole Thursday

* I put my February purchases on random for today's post.

Today's another Michigan alumn who I've started to build his collection decently in the last few months. I picked up 3 last year and another 1 earlier this year, plus the 5 more I'm adding today.

These 3 all show him in his Golden State uniform. I haven't heard much of anything from him in the pros so I assume he's still getting his feet wet. I went and looked and he's on their g league team now so there you go. I felt like he wasn't ready to leave when he did but I said the same thing about Caris LeVert and he's been the most steady of the Wolverines in the pro.

These are the better cards since they also go to the Michigan Collection. In case you're bad at the math up there, these make 9 cards of Poole now. TCDB says he's almost at 500 cards though so I got plenty more to go for.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

80's Vintage

* I put my February purchases on random for today's post.

Today's post is all vintage collection cards. Nothing majorly vintage but they all go to the vintage collection all the same. I told you I finished my 1985 Topps set last month so I looked to see what set I was closest to completing and when I go through a sellers cards and finish and I have a little more money to spend, I picked up a few cards from that set.

I know, that set! It's the next set that I'm closest to finishing. The good news, I haven't picked up any more from the 1987 set since these and I have picked up some older ones for next month's post. These 6 cards put that set at 721 cards which is 91% completed. While I want to finish the set, I'm not really highly motivated to do so.

I got all these from my cousin's (Sluggo) last package. The 1984 Topps Ozzie puts that set at 322 cards (40.7%). All the 1983 Topps put that set at 143 cards (18.1%) completed. I also noticed I slipped in a Mike Schmidt card in the scan, I decided to leave it on this post since it's the only card I got of him last month, that card puts the Schmidt collection at 136 cards.