
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Tuesday's with Burke

I guess the plant is trying to shut down on Friday to give us a 4 day weekend because we've been working a ton of hours which is nice, but in order to do that, we are working 10 hours all this week. I'm allowed to work the extra before or after my shift. Normally, I do 5 to 3:30 but I really hate getting off at 3:30. So this morning, I went in at 4 so I can get off at my normal time at 2:30. As much as I hate getting up that early, it was nice getting off at my normal time. Plus, the traffic was great at 3:30 compared to 5:30. I feel like I still have time to get stuff done after work which was nice. The really nice thing about having Friday off is I took all of next week off so that makes it a 10 day weekend for me. It also makes it easier to work more hours this week knowing I'm going to have all kinds of time next week. I plan on working on my cousin's cards most of that week.

Today's random gave us another Michigan alumni PC.

This is the only card that I got in the last Sportlots package but I received a bunch in the previous one that I haven't show yet.

That blue & silver parallel from Select is pretty slick. I also picked up the base.

3 more base, a couple of rookie cards in the mix.

I picked up the base Prism as well as a couple of color parallels. It's always nice to get some of the color ones under $.50.

One of the reasons I like the way that I'm purchasing cards through Sportlots is I'm adding to my Michigan PC's that don't have many cards. Problem is, a lot of them don't have many cards but there are a few where I can pick up a number of them, such as this Burke collection.

These 9 cards bump up his collection up to 26 cards.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Chrome & Colorful Moncada

Today's random comes up with a guy on our 1st place team that has forgotten how to win. It's like someone threw a switch and we suck now. I realize that we have a lot of injuries to our starting lineup but we were playing through it pretty well until a week ago. I just hope they can hold it until we start getting some guys back.

These 3 cards of Yoan came from Fred at work. A couple of Chrome and a Chrome like Panini. Both of those Chrome are pretty nice, I wasn't sure if I'd like them on other sets, especially the A&G, we've seen in on SC before, but it looks really good on it.

Everything else from the Panini above to the bottom of the post came from Sportlots. That Elite card in Pink really stands out.

As you can see, there's another Chrome A&G. I picked a few of them on Sportslots but Fred gave me some before I had them shipped to me, go figure. The top right is a Limited Edition and both of the bottom are the 582 Montgomery parallels.

These are all inserts and again, I wasn't sure I would like the Chrome on Turkey Red because I like that set as is, but it really does look good.

The top 3 are all parallel sets of 2020 and the bottom is a Class 1 Gold Label. Really like the Gold Labels.

Last but not least, a bunch of Donruss parallels. Very colorful to say the least.

These 25 cards bump up the Moncada PC to 151 cards. For shits & giggles, I looked up on TCDB to see where I rank and I'm in 2nd and only 4 cards behind the first place guy.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

One of a few Robinsons I collect

My cousin wanted to go to the LCS today so I tagged along. While I love going to card shops, I love to look at all the cards, they aren't really my thing. I find prices are always cheaper online and as we all know, I'm cheap. He picked up a few things and actually picked me up a couple of cool cards. I've been doing some work for him so he said this was his payment, which I'm more than happy with. I've added them to the random so you'll see them when they come up.

Today's post, however, is a Michigan PC and it's only 2 cards so it'll be a quicky. I decided to do each post by player so if I have 100 cards of said player, you'll just get a big post. By doing it this way, when I add cards to the random, I can just add them to the cards I already have of that player or team.

These are both 2014-15 but you get 2 different teams which he's had quite a few but he's still playing so there is that. The Hoops on the right is actually the red back version.

I thought I had some more cards of his but they ended up being his dads. They were from a newer set and I should have known better but that's the price of buying on Sportlots and not taking the time to do the homework.

These 2 cards give me 9 of GRIII.

Friday, June 25, 2021

1 of 5 studs this year

I've been sleepy this week so I've been slacking but I'm here now. For now!

Today's post is one of our starters who when it comes down to it, is the main reason we are still in 1st place. Our offense is up and down but that has a lot to do with keeping healthy players in the lineup, but our pitching staff has been great.

There's going to be a lot of cards with not much commentary because I'm getting ready to head off to bed.

As you should know, I picked up earlier cards of his in a previous post. Here, we'll start with 1 card from 2017.

It's a good thing I don't pay much for these cards since they all look the same. These are all the 2018's of Lucas.

More of the same with the 2019 but at least there's some Panini/Donruss in this mix. I do like the Carolina Blue parallel, maybe just because I don't see those often.

2020 comes with horizontals and a whole Topps section with no parallels of the same cards.

I even got some 2021's. The purple parallel has, I assume, a nickname making it a double parallel (is that a thing?) I didn't even know that was his nickname. It's nice to see some Sox on the leaders cards. Lucas wasn't the only one that year.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Happy Birthday - Tim Anderson

Tim was born on this day in 1993.

MLB Debut - June 10th, 2016 (White Sox)

Years Active - 

  • 2016-current (White Sox)
2013 Bowman

Cards on TCDB - 2250 cards

Cards I Have - 137 cards

Just some cool cards of Timmy.

Where they came from -

  • Sportlots (99 cards)
  • Sluggo (15 cards)
  • Ebay (12 cards)
  • Fred (work) (4 cards)
  • 2x3 Heroes (3 cards)
  • Box Break (2 cards)
  • Unknown (2 cards)
  • BaseballCardStore.CA (1 card)
  • Card Hemorrhage (1 card)
  • Card Show (1 card)
  • F&G Sportscards (1 card)
  • Packs (1 card)
  • Padrographs (1 card)
I guess you can tell where I got most of them. Lots of card bloggers up there as well.

I have 1 relic card, technically I have dupes of it.

I have 2 autos, I purchased those awhile ago before he won his batting title. I don't know what they run now.

Happy Birthday Tim!

*I have all these cards in my collection but all these photos came from TCDB (and 1 from Ebay).

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Lotsa Sox

 Finally got my cards from Sportlots all logged in and started scanning them, the bad thing is tomorrow we are going up to 10 hour days so I'm not sure when I'll finish. I have so many cards to get logged in for my cousin but I can't seem to finish my own. I usually ship my Sportlots box around the 1st, and it's now the 22nd and I'm still not finished. I've been a slacker.

Today you get some team cards that came from Fred, at work. There's a whole bunch of cards because they've been building up. Usually a couple of times a week, he brings me cards. On average, I have half of what he gives me but I still end up with a bunch that I don't have. They are in order in how he gave them to me.

First up is this color parallel of 2020 Panini Absolute of the current MVP. I marked this down as receiving it in May so I've had it for awhile now.

First up is this 2000 Pacific Omega of Mags, it is my 164th card of Ordonez. The Kip Wells is also from 2000 and is a pretty slick looking card, better than the scan looks.

Occasionally, Fred will hit me up with a bunch from one set. I don't know if he comes across these in his collection or somewhere else. These 5 cards put me over half way on the 18 card team set.

Some 90's White Sox studs up there with Thigpen, Kittle and McDowell. The last card is a press proof and I think it's probably the first time I've seen one from the 1995 set. The Thigpen puts me at 48 cards, almost half a century and the McDowell puts me at 56 cards.

These were the first of the 2021 Heritage that I received, although I don't think they are the first I've shown. I know everyone loves the 1972 set but I was never a fan.

Love the red, white and blue prisms, even better when it's a stud like Abreu. The 3 Abreu's up there give me 152 of him. I've been debating on starting a PC of him, he's really been growing on me the last couple of years. I've always liked him but his play has meant more to me. The Andre Rienzo is also a color parallel.

A couple of cool looking Metal Universe cards, the Durham is really cool, it looks like he's running right through the card.

Fred also sent me 3 from the 1995 Flair set, I do like the looks but I hate that the name and team are in the same color as the backgrounds. The 2 Ray Durhams up there give me 76 cards of him.

As you can tell, on this day, he gave me an assortment of cards. The Steve Sax from 1993 leaves me 6 cards short of that 22 card set but the Wayne Edwards from 1991, in the middle, completes the 33 card team set. Although, when I went to TCDB to check, they have 2 checklists listed in the team set and I'm pretty sure they weren't listed before but I guess I need those 2 now. Damn it! The oddball in this group is the 2019, it is the 150th anniversary parallel.

These 5 put me 3 cards away from that team set which is a 28 card team set. Might have to grab those on Sportlots next time.

And on the opposite side of the spectrum, those are the first 2 cards of the 1996 Ultra set. The Gold Medallion's are cool but they would have been better with a team logo or something in the background, not the Ultra logo.

Last but not least, Fred brought me these modern cards a couple of weeks ago. They were my first of the A&G Chrome and those are some nice looking cards. They've gone Chrome on Stadium Club and A&G (and flagship), I wonder if they are going to give some other the treatment. Now that I think about it, they are in Heritage as well in a limited capacity. Danny Mendick is the only one still with the ballclub. James Beard still is as well but he's still in the minors.

As you can tell, Fred gives me quite a few cards and I still need quite a few of them.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Ninety's Abbott

Had a decent time camping, just chilled. To be honest, I felt like I could have been home working on my cards. My daughter, who's almost 19, was hardly around and my son, who's almost 17, pretty much hung out around me most of the weekend so it was good bonding time with him.

I'm glad I wasn't home to watch the Sox as we got swept this weekend. I did have some time this morning to continue logging my past Sportlots cards in. I really need to stop letting my box get up to 500 cards before I ship them, it takes forever to get through them.

The random gave us a player collection for today. I still have one more post of this player to go so these are all between 1992-1994.

This is what's left of the 1992. The Pinnacle is the normal sized card, the other 2 are the micro mini's.

These are an assortment of 1993's. A couple of Score's at the top followed by the back of a Donruss Triple Play with Wade Boggs on the front. The bottom row is a Duracell (which I had never seen before) and a Bowman.

In the Topps section, you see a home team advantage followed by the micros. The bottom row is the traded and the Stadium Club Member's Only.

These are all 1993 Upper Deck's. The first is an On Deck insert, followed by the Community Heroes insert and a Fun Pack set. The bottom card is the 5th Anniversary set insert. I'm not a big fan when they superimpose other pics across the top like that.

On to the 1994, these are all Donruss. Their flagship followed by the Special Edition. The bottom row is the Studio and the Triple Play. I like the Studio set with the locker room background, other than it being the Yankees.

This is the other section from 1994 with everything from Pacific to Oscar Meyer. The top row is Pacific, Leaf Limited and Score Gold Rush. The bottom row is the O-Pee-Chee, Oscar Meyer and an oversized Fleer Extra Bases.

Next up is the dupes section, not really but it looks like it. The top is the flagship and the gold version. The Stadium Club photograph is pretty cool, the other one is the Member's Only. The bottom row is a Bowman and another Stadium Club but the team version.

Last but not least, because it's more or less alphabetically, the 1994 Upper Deck. You have the Collector's Choice's at the top with the base and the silver signature. The middle card is the Denny's hologram version followed by another Fun Pack at the bottom.