
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Diamond Giveaway Trades

I currently have 27 cards on the Diamond Giveaway site.  I have traded and have gotten 16 cards for my PC’s  I’ll post what I have for my PC’s and what I still have left to trade.  If you see something in the trade section that you want from the site.  Make an offer, you know what I like.  I’m going to make you look at my PC cards first though.

z01   z02

z03   z04

z05   z06

z07   z08

z09   z10

z11   z12

z13   z14

z15   z16


The following are for trade,  Most trades I offer are for the same year as I’m getting rid of.  But I have accepted trades for other years as long as I’m getting some White Sox cards in return.

a01   a02

a03   a04

a05   a06

a07   a08


Make me an offer on the site if you see anything you like.

The only complaints I have about the site are, as I stated before, I wish you could actually get a card for the rings you get, something physical that you could order.  I wouldn’t complain even it was a generic looking card.  And also, I wish there was a box you could check to decline all trades for a certain card.  So I could just check off all the PC cards so I didn’t have to go in and decline the offers on them all the time.  And really?  1986 Topps for a Diamond Cut card?  I’ve gotten a few of those offers.  But the complaints aren’t enough to keep me away.  I’m kicking myself for throwing away some of the Diamond Giveaway cards earlier in the year.  I’m never very impressed when the companies have an online thing, usually they are just a waste of time.  I guess I should have checked this one out before I dismissed it.  Lesson learned.  Although I was surprised I didn’t keep the code cards at least, because I usually do if they have a player on them, but if I did, I don’t know where I put them.


  1. I was looking at your Zistle card list. I'm sure I can fill some of your White Sox gaps. If you can fill anything from my list
    I would love to hear from you about a trade. The White Sox lists are wants. The player lists are haves.

  2. I will try to get through your lists this weekend and see what I have for you. My weeks tend to be a little busier than my weekends anymore.


Sorry about the word verification, but blogger sucks at filtering out the comments as of late. As bad as their last update is.