
Monday, October 24, 2011

I gotta keep better records

Just like last week when I forgot who sent me the box of cards (Thanks jaybarkerfan’s junk), I forgot who’s contest I won this card in.


Like I said, I gotta keep better records.  I remember there were other cards and it was first come, first serve.  There was a Frank Thomas jersey card that I would have taken but it was already gone.  So I grabbed this one to send out to my cousin, and I’m pretty sure he’ll send me a Sox relic back.  He does card shows in the Ashville area of North Carolina.  So any Braves hits I get, I send his way to sell in his shows.  Although he was a huge Dale Murphy fan growing up so he may keep this one for himself.  Who knows.  All I know is it’ll get exchanged for something for my collection.

I spent my ebay bucks as well, so I’ll have cards coming from that at a later date.  Not that I had a huge amount. $1 and some change.  But I spread it out and spent a few bucks of my own.

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