
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mixed bag

Just a quick post to let you know what’s going on.  Thank you all for the concern in my accident.  All is well, my car is drivable again, all I really had to replace was the windshield.  I won’t be around this weekend as the family and I are going camping.  I assume I’ll still be able to access your blogs through my phone, assuming I have cell coverage so I’ll try to keep up.  I haven’t gotten around to doing any posts that will post while I’m gone so you get nothing.  I’m mean like that.  No fantasy friday post tomorrow either, but just for those who do follow.  I won, FINALLY!!!  And I beat my brother, whom is also going camping with me so I’ll be sure to be rubbing it in.

I will also be recording the Michigan/Northwestern game and watching it Sunday night.  I will probably follow the game on Saturday as far as scores go, but we’ll see.  I was leery about Michigan after the first few games.  But they impressed me against Minnesota.  Now I realize it was Minnesota.  But they looked good and didn’t turn the ball over.  Denard made good throws, granted they were easy throws but I’ll take the positives where I can.  The defense looked great and they have been selling me a little more each game.  Now I don’t think we should be ranked #11 or #12 depending on your pole, but we are definitely better than I thought we would be.  And I have been saying since the beginning of the year, that I would love to see Devin and Denard in the backfield and how much trouble that would cause.  From what I hear, Devin is the better all-around QB.  He doesn’t have the running ability that Denard does but supposed to be better passer with good running and mobility.  When I saw both of them out there, I got excited.  The score didn’t excite me, the play calling and the very few mistakes excited me.  So yes, I’m pumped about my Wolverines.

And since I have been slacking, here’s some cards I got from “???”, yeah, I’m sorry, I don’t remember who I purchased them from.  But he sent me a box full of White Sox cards and I needed a lot of them.  But I’ll just show you the Paul Konerko’s that he added to that player collection.


Thanks whoever you are, with all those cards stuffed in the box it was like Christmas.  So, until I figure out who you were, I shall call you, Santa Claus.


Sorry about the word verification, but blogger sucks at filtering out the comments as of late. As bad as their last update is.