
Friday, February 17, 2012

I made the news!

I know, I know.  I’ve disappeared again.  I suck.  Technically, I’ve probably had time to throw a post or 2 out there.  But I’ve been so busy that when I do get the time to post, I just want to sit and relax.  Saturday we had a surprise 60th birthday party for my mom.  Sunday, I took my son to church so he could earn a badge in cub scouts and also had another birthday party in the afternoon.  Girl Scouts on Monday. Tuesday we spent shopping for a new mattress and shoes for the kids.  Wednesday I chilled and just couldn’t get in the mood to do anything.  Thursday, my son and I toured the local news station with his cub scout troop.  Even made our way way on to the live broadcast.  See below.

That’s me to the right of the broadcaster (not the one in the ND jacket, bite your tongue) and my son is the head above his other shoulder.  It’s supposed to be a live shot of the news room.  Oops!    I took a picture of my TV, paused.  And I had to brighten it up so you could see the background, that’s why the newscaster is washed out.  And yes, the station’s call letter are WNDU.  Anybody care to guess what the NDU stands for?  You don’t want to know if you don’t.

Tonight, I have my niece and nephew over so I haven’t broken my cards out all night.  To make matter worse, they have posted Saturday and Sunday at work, which gives me the pleasure of working at least 12 days straight.  Blah!  So I’m not sure when I’ll get around to posting original content again.  I have all kinds of stuff to scan but I just can’t get in the mood to get off my couch.  Sorry!

I do have stuff like Today’s 9 and Player Collection Spotlight already saved up so I’ll throw some of those in there when I get the chance.  Maybe I’ll get around to scanning and getting something else up.  But I’m not making any promises.  Weeks like these leave me drained anymore.  I’m getting too old.

P.S. – I believe catcher’s and pitcher’s report on Monday.  Except the Mariners, I believe they are already together.  But about the time I start posting there will hopefully be some baseball on.

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Sorry about the word verification, but blogger sucks at filtering out the comments as of late. As bad as their last update is.