
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Player Collection Spotlight–Tom Seaver

In this series, I randomly select a card from my player collections and show it off here. Being that it’s random, it could be a base, insert, parallel, auto, relic or any other kind of card I have. It could be from Paul Konerko, Tom Seaver, Billy Williams, Dave Dravecky and even Mike Hart or Peyton Manning. I will put a mark next to it on my PC list so it doesn’t get repeated.
1992 Pacific Tom Terrific – Tom Seaver


  1. Don't get me wrong, I love me some Tom Seaver, but Sweet Baby Jeebus were those early 90s Pacific cards ugly! That goes for the Nolan Ryan ones too!

  2. Just wait, there's 109 more to go. I know your excited to see them all!

  3. They may not be the coolest looking cards but how many players get whole sets devoted to them? Wish they'd make a set of Ron Santo cards.

    1. I knew about the Nolan Ryan Texas Express set from when I collected before. I hadn't realized they made one for Tom Seaver until I got contacted to trade for them. There really is a bunch of past players that could have gotten their own sets.

  4. Nice looking photo! Kind of a weird border, but still a nice card.

    1. It's a pretty cool set. Lots of action photos as well as some non sport photo's featuring Seaver.


Sorry about the word verification, but blogger sucks at filtering out the comments as of late. As bad as their last update is.