
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Coming Soon

*note – I typed this out last night and had thought I posted it.  Apparently I didn’t.

So, I spent all day scanning cards (trades, box breaks, gifts, ebay, ect.) and typed out 26 posts.  Granted, half of those are cheap ebay posts with 1 card but they count.  Although, technically 27 posts including this one.  Here is what is to come in the next month or so.

  • 14 cheap ebay posts
  • 6  trade posts
  • 3  box break posts
  • 1  1973 post
  • 1  1981 post
  • 1  miscellaneous purchase

Sounds like exciting stuff doesn’t it.  I plan on mixing in more ‘73 and ‘81 posts, plus some Player Collection Spotlight posts.

My financial situation hasn’t changed as of yet but it will be better in a few months so that’s some good news.  I may be able to actually spend some money on cards again.  Woo Hoo!  Now I just have to survive until then.

I’ve sent all the packages from my giveaway posts so if you’ve requested something, you should have it or it be on the way.  I do have a guy on twitter that I need to check his lists for cards yet.  But all the bloggers are taken care of.

I’m not sure why, but ever since my hours changed at work, I can’t seem to keep up with reading blogs.  I’m guessing because I did more reading at work and now I only work 3 or 4 days a week as apposed to the 6 or 7 I used to be working.  So if you all of the sudden get a comment from me on a post that’s a week old, that would be why.  Although, until I get caught up, I’ll be skimming more often than not.  Sorry!  I went and checked my reader and I’m on June 24th, so I am a week behind.

As you can tell by my pics between paragraphs, I voted for the all-star game.  No, I don’t vote for all White Sox players but I did vote for a few.  I look forward to seeing who gets snubbed.  And I only vote once because I think that’s the way it should be.  Actually I think fans shouldn’t vote if your going to make the game count.  All voting does is turn it into a popularity contest.  Why else do we end up with half the AL team from the Yankees and Red Sox.  We’ll see who from the White Sox gets snubbed.  It’ll be like opening Topps Archives and seeing 2 Sox cards all over again.


  1. Going to my first Sox game this week. Should be awesome!

    Oh and I'm looking forward to your new posts of course.


    1. Have fun. I love going up there. I haven't made it over there this year, haven't been able to afford it. Maybe towards the end of the season I can go back.


Sorry about the word verification, but blogger sucks at filtering out the comments as of late. As bad as their last update is.