
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Newest Additions - Vintage collection (1969)

I have randomed them and let's see what we got (unless you peeked at the title.) Sorry if a few are blurry, I didn't realize it when I edited them and I wasn't going to go back, find the cards and take new photos.

Vintage Collection (1969)

I know if you've followed the card show posts during this round, you know I hit a bunch of dime boxes. Well, these are 1969 Topps, surely I didn't get them from a dime box. Wrong! I grabbed all these in dime boxes as well. I didn't have many from that set so I just grabbed them all without checking and ended up with no dupes.

Be sure to check out my other 2 card blogs as well.

Just like it says, photos of baseball cards. The "Blog" currently sits at over 4900 cards featured and I add more weekly.

This "Blog" has photos of the cards from my PC's. I have all the cards that were featured on this blog over here and will be working on adding all of my cards.

Everything from current to vintage sports pictures, baseball cards and more.

1 comment:

  1. I'd start a '69 set if I could find cards that nice for a dime a piece.


Sorry about the word verification, but blogger sucks at filtering out the comments as of late. As bad as their last update is.