
Monday, April 17, 2017

Lots of envelopes and even more cards

I got 11 cards in 7 envelopes today, yes, 7 envelopes. Oddly enough, 4 of those envelopes were all from the same seller. I won 8 cards from the same seller at the same time and for some reason, they dropped 2 in each of 4 envelopes. Granted, those 2 cards were in 1 top loader so it would have been a thicker envelope so I'm not complaining. I would have dropped all 4 in one envelope with 2 stamps. Lets get to it either way.

These are the 8 cards from the same seller. 6 for the White Sox Collection and 2 for the Jim Abbott Collection. I paid $.25/shipped each. The 2 Abbott's put that collection at 92 cards.

I picked up this 1982 Topps Sticker for $.06/shipped. You read that right, a whopping 6 cents. This is my 103rd card of Gary Carter.

Since we're on Gary Carter, I picked up this 2017 Donruss Relic of the kid for $3/shipped as well. It lists him as Montreal and the jersey is the Expos blue color but I'm pretty sure that's a Mets jersey (edited) on the card. I could be wrong but that's what it looks like to me. This is my 104th card of Gary Carter.

I also picked up this Jose Abreu relic for $3/shipped. It's also from 2017, but from Topps. I was surprised to win both of the last 2 cards with my max bid but here they are.

1 comment:

  1. Six Cents for a 35 year old sticker of a HOFer? That's a great deal!

    I knew Jim Abbot was a fan favorite but I'm kinda surprised he was considered the best left handed pitcher in baseball that year. Guess I forgot how good he was.


Sorry about the word verification, but blogger sucks at filtering out the comments as of late. As bad as their last update is.