
Thursday, October 11, 2018

2 Relics and a Sticker

Another catch up post because I've been slacking, which isn't good because I got a bunch of cards from Dennis over the weekend that I need to get off my ass and get scanning. So this post will be the usual ebay pick-ups.

I picked up this Ripken sticker for $.25/shipped. I've mentioned before how much I love the stickers because I used to do the books but this is a 1990 so I'm not sure if I did them when in high school. I probably did but I have no idea.

The first of 2 relics on this post is of Ryan Zimmerman. This USA jersey of Zimmy comes to me for $1.25/shipped. It also get me 1 card closer to the century mark of Zimmerman cards.

Last but not least, another Devin Funchess relic card, this one also comes to me for $1.25/shipped as well. This is my 31st card of Funchess. My pick-ups of him go in stages, I'll pick up 3 or 4 together and then not get any for awhile, and then 3 or 4 again.

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