
Thursday, June 6, 2019

4 cards, 2 Dodgers

It was a 2 envelope kind of day, but a total of 4 cards. 3 from the same seller and a solo card. We'll start with that one.

I picked up my 2nd Opening Day card for the Sox collection. It's my 56th card of Abreu as well, I think if it was the 90's, he'd have as many cards as Frank Thomas did in that era. I picked this up for $.31/shipped.

I picked up another Schmidt as well, my 4th this year. This Canadian version of Donruss came to me for $.50/shipped. It is my 130th different card of the HOF 3rd baseman.

I could have sworn I had this one but apparently not. It is my 118th card of the Kid, it's one of the rare (at least I think so) of him in a Dodgers uniform. I got this for $.50/shipped.

Sticking with the Dodgers theme, here's one of a very young Konerko. I'd say this is a rare one in a LA uniform too but I think his Reds cards are harder to come across, or at least he doesn't have as many. This 1998 Elite card was also $.50/shipped. It is my 433rd different Paulie card which is my largest player collection.

1 comment:

  1. That 92S Carter is fantastic! That card should have been used in their advertisements for their products. I might have actually chased this set.


Sorry about the word verification, but blogger sucks at filtering out the comments as of late. As bad as their last update is.