
Monday, November 23, 2020

Waiting for work to Cease

Another Monday, but at least it's the start of a 3 day week. I'm looking forward to having 4 days off. We cancelled Thanksgiving at my mom's because a bunch of my family have Covid now, nobody is serious but they have it, including my 87 year old grandmother. So it'll be 4 days of chilling at the homestead. Maybe I'll get some scanning done. Maybe.

Today is a player collection but not really. I set aside a few current Sox players that I'm considering a player collection on so I have them set aside so if I do decide to, I don't have to dig them all out. He started off hot for us this year but fizzled a bit at the end. Considering he was a rookie, that normally wouldn't concern me except it was a shortened season so would he really get tired?

It'll be a quick post as well as I've got one card since last time I posted them.

This is another card from Chris at Nachos Grande. To be honest, I don't remember if it's a box break card or an extra that he threw in. Either way, I needed it. This gives me 19 cards of Dylan Cease.


  1. Oh no. Sending some thoughts and vibes to your family members with Covid... especially your grandmother.

  2. What Fuji said. Hope everyone comes out of this OK.


Sorry about the word verification, but blogger sucks at filtering out the comments as of late. As bad as their last update is.