
Saturday, April 17, 2021

Another No-Hit Sox Pitcher

Carlos Rodon throws a no-hitter and the random picks Lucas Giolito next who also has a no-hitter for the Sox. The next post (today's) also has a no-hitter, and a perfect game.

I picked up a bunch of Buehrle from 2002. This is the Donruss/Leaf portion.

As usual with the early 2000's, a lot of Fleer. The first card is a gold back, the rest are all different sets from Fleer. Like Topps does now-a-days.

One from the MLB Showdown game. Has anyone actually played this or just collect the cards.

Speaking of Topps, here's a bunch from them. You don't see that last jersey very often.

Lots of Upper Deck as well. I wonder if this would be what it's like if there were still multiple companies. Would each company drop 12-15 sets a year. That would be a ton of cards to buy. I'm not sure how I'd feel about that. Topps already drops a ton of them on us. 

All of the above were in the latest Sportlots package.

As in the last post, the last card came from Chris at Nachos Grande. Another card from the breakers club.

These 27 cards put my Buehrle collection at 239 cards. I have lots more coming in my next lot of cards from Sportlots so I should definitely crack that 250 mark.

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