
Saturday, May 1, 2021

Fred Sox

Today, I'm going to show off the cards that I get from Fred, whom I work with. Every few days or so he brings me a couple of cards. He's going through all his cards from 30 years ago and when he comes across Sox cards, he brings them in to me. I scan them when I get them so that's how the pics will be. He actually brought me in a couple yesterday but I haven't gotten around to doing them yet so you'll see those in the next round.

I didn't realize how often he gives me cards until I was uploading all the scans.

I had this Jason Bere from 1994 Upper Deck but I didn't have the Electric Diamond parallel and a Magglio rookie from Fleer.

When he started bringing the cards in and I saw all those 90's, I figured I'd have most of them. I had some but he gave me a lot more than I thought I would need. This is my 3rd card of Clemons and my 32nd of Roberto Hernandez.

These 2 were studs in the 90's for the Sox, Black Jack McDowell and Rockin' Robin.

As you can tell, he had some that weren't 90's. I think he'd pick up cheap cards at the LCS or card shows for me as well. This is my 13th card of Danish.

He gave me my first 2021 Topps awhile ago and he gave me these as well. They only get shown because I received them before the box breaks cards that I had won. That is my 1st card of Heuer, my 146th of the current MVP and my 10th of Leury.

Back to the 90's with this trio of Ventura cards. Again, I though I had all 3 of these but nope.

An assortment of early to mid 90's. Another Blackjack along with a Bo Jackson, I wasn't a huge fan of his, didn't hate him or anything, but wasn't really into him. I did like Ray Durham though. That is my 9th of Parque, my 26th of Bo and my 74th of Durham.

I do like getting Mike Caruso cards. I know you're thinking who? Back in the day, the White Sox had a minor league team right here in South Bend (they are the Cubs now) and he's one of the few names I remember seeing play here. Jason Bere is another one of those guys but I remember him more from his pro career. This is my 25th of Caruso, my 48th of Belle and my 37th card of Bere.

We've seen all 3 of these guys already. I thought I had both of those Award Winners. Makes me wonder how many cards I fly by flipping through dime boxes thinking I already had them. The Fernandez at the bottom is the silver signature version and is my 46th of him.

I remember buying a box of these Collector's Choice back in the day. I think my cousin (Sluggo) and I split it. That was back when cards were cheap. It is my 3rd of Fabregas and my 5th of Valdez.

Another Maggs, with a rookie cup and another McDowell. The above Ordonez's give me 161 of him and my 55th of Jack McDowell.

Another trio, this time of 1998 Upper Deck's. This Cameron makes my 20th, my 6th of Norberto and my 12th of Navarro.

He also picked up some packs of Heritage and gave me this Keuchel. It's only my 5th of Keuchel.

A couple more for the late 90's. I told you he sent a bunch of cards in the last couple of months. This is my 5th of Scott Eyre and my 15th of Abbott.

Lastly, he picked this up at a card show for me. I think he said he only paid a couple of bucks for it and he bought it for me. This is my 6th card of Thompson and my first auto of his.

I feel bad that I never give him any cards but the one time, but that one time was an 800 count box about 3/4 full of Cubs cards so it's not like he's even close to giving me what I gave him (for the record, he doesn't have to give me anything) I just feel bad because a couple times a week he gives me cards and I just keep taking. I have to remind myself that I already gave him a box.

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