
Sunday, May 16, 2021

Team lots

It's Sunday which means I have to go back to work tomorrow. Blah! We're starting off with 10 hour days too but I don't expect that to last long but you never know with our management.

Yesterday, you got vintage, you do today as well. Although technically it is team collection post but they are all apart of the Vintage collection as well.

I picked these up for $.20/each. As you can tell they are a little worse for wear but that's alright. They were in a lot of 5 cards from 1977 for $1 at the card show.

All 3 of these were $.33/each as well and they are in better shape and 7 years older. They aren't perfect by any means but rounded corners and bad cutting isn't as bad as all the creases in the top 2. This was another lot for $1.

Lastly, these 2 were also a lot for $1 which I though was an outstanding price as they aren't in bad shape at all for 61 year old cards.

You can see why I grabbed a bunch of these small lots of Vintage as soon as I saw them.

1 comment:

  1. Love the bottom two team cards, although the split color background kind of draws my eyes away from the players.


Sorry about the word verification, but blogger sucks at filtering out the comments as of late. As bad as their last update is.