
Sunday, August 1, 2021

Home again

 I had a great time at the National on Friday & Saturday. My cousins friend had some tables so we hung in there for awhile and I just sat back and watched the transactions. The money going in and out of hands was amazing. I have never been around that much money in one place. It was crazy to see cards with price tags in the thousands let alone $54,000. There were so many tables that you couldn't see everything. It was amazing experience and I definitely recommend it. I will be going back and next time, I will have more time to save up some money to go. I did spend about $100, which if you know me, is a lot so those cards are mixed in for the random now.

Today's post isn't any of those cards though. The random pulled up one of my Michigan PC's.

His collection has been sitting on 3 cards for awhile so it was nice to grab some more. The top 2 are Phoenix's, the one on the right is a red parallel and is numbered to /299. The bottom right I already had the base and that is a silver parallel.

In case your bad at math, that puts me at 7 cards of him.


  1. "So many tables that you couldn't see everything." sounds awesome!

  2. Crazy amounts of money is changing hands at pretty much every big show these days, but I can only imagine how much is being spent at this one.


Sorry about the word verification, but blogger sucks at filtering out the comments as of late. As bad as their last update is.