
Wednesday, November 10, 2021

First one of one

I forgot to throw this card out. As you may know, I have a list of posts that I need to write and I have them in order by the last time that collection was posted about. When I first went to this format, I did it every other post with a collection that hadn't been featured yet, or in other words, a collection I was just starting. 

I grabbed this when pricing Sluggo's cards a few weekends ago. We're setting up at a show this Friday and Saturday so I've been going over there for most of the weekends in order to get everything priced because we both will walk by a table, no matter what's on it, if the stuff is not priced so all of our stuff will be priced.

Anyways, this is a guy I didn't have any cards of yet.

When he first transferred to us, I didn't think he was that good but as the seasons wore on, he made a name for himself. This is my 1st card of his, he only has 25 listed on TCDB. One is a single card, than 2 different Panini's (including the one above) and their many variations.

The title is misleading, it's my first one (card of Matthews) of one (his jersey number). Sorry, I couldn't resist.

1 comment:

Sorry about the word verification, but blogger sucks at filtering out the comments as of late. As bad as their last update is.