
Saturday, January 1, 2022

Rookies and Relics

I can't believe it's 2022 already. I made it through the first day without buying any cards but I did go the LCS a couple of days ago.

Today's post is a guy we just saw a few days ago as well. His birthday post was on the same day (last Thursday) that I went to the LCS and picked up a card of his.

I picked this up for $3 but once I got it home, I realized I already had it. 2 actually so now I have 3.

Dennis of Too Many Verlanders also sent me these 2 of AJ earlier this week. This is my 5th different Relic of AJ and that Bowman is his first Bowman card and his 1st in a pro jersey.

These 2 (not counting the first one as I already have it) give me 244 cards of the former Sox catcher.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure most of us have purchased cards we already own at some point. I know I do it all the time. I say you acquire six more of those framed relic cards of Pierzynski and fill up a 9-pocket page.


Sorry about the word verification, but blogger sucks at filtering out the comments as of late. As bad as their last update is.