
Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Red Josh

Just a quick post today. It's been a few days and I need to get something up. I've been working 11 hour days which with travel time ends up to being close to 13 hours I'm gone from the home. Needless to say, when I get home, I generally just want to chill.

Last night was Halloween and by the time I got home and showered, it was time for trick or treaters and the old lady was cooking supper so I handed out candy.

Today, I had to go get a tire fixed after work because I went to leave this morning and my tire was completely flat. I took the wife's car and ran got to work. While waiting on my car, I browsed the card section at Walmart. I really wanted to buy some cards but I knew that the majority, if not all, wouldn't even end up in my collection.

I did get a card from Fred that ended up in my collection.

This is my 8th card of Josh Uche. This is the red parallel, it's my 2nd parallel of this card, I don't even have the base.


  1. Nobody should ever expect someone who's putting in 13-hour days to blogging.


Sorry about the word verification, but blogger sucks at filtering out the comments as of late. As bad as their last update is.