
Saturday, August 19, 2023

Back at it

 Kevin (Sluggo) and I set up today in Michigan City today. We had an alright show. It's funny, because we did the first show there and there was only a few card dealers. It was mostly toys & comics and other stuff like that. Now, it's almost all card dealers, sports & pokemon. It's only been maybe 6 months since we did the first show.

We got there early, like we usually do, and once we were set up, I walked around a bit. This is the first show I've done in a month after doing them almost every weekend for about a year so I wanted to do some shopping without spending much money. I found some quarter boxes and better than that, they were sorting by player and they were all hall of famers. Some of my PC's fit right in so I thought I'd go through those players, grab a few cards and be done. The PC's that were in the box, I already had a lot of cards of each players because they were 80's and 90's players so I figured I wouldn't really find much.


I basically grabbed oddball stuff that I wasn't sure if I had it or not. Even if I thought it was a maybe, I was thinking, it's only a quarter, I'll take a chance. $43 later, I had my stack. Yikes! I ended up spending another $15 on a couple of cards at another deal who is actually local to us (Michigan City is about 45 minutes from us) so I got some work to do tomorrow.

I'll spend Sunday going through and logging those cards, plus a stack that Kevin gave me, plus some I picked up Friday at my LCS. Those come with a story as well but I'll leave that for the first post of those cards. Once I get them squared away tomorrow, I'll add them to the sorting process but today, you'll get some more of previous pick-ups.

I pulled these from the box of HOF'ers that I sorted for my LCS awhile ago. The 1980 is real so it also goes to the Vintage Collection, the 1975 is one of those Card Your Mom Threw Out but it's the original back version.

This is a 2022 Archives of Tom Terrific. It came from the same box as the Yastrzemski's. Seaver is one of my Tier 1 PC's so I'm always happy to add to his collection. I don't even mind his Mets cards because I was a fan of his before he played for the Sox.

The top card of Strawberry came from the HOF box as well. Obviously because of that other guy on it but I still needed it. It is from 1992 French's, which I assume is the Mustard company. The good old days when cards came with everything. The bottom card is from the sort after the list player box. I sorted a bunch of 2023 Topps cards which I already have the base cards that I needed so I only got a couple of inserts. This is one of them.

I also have a bunch more packs of cards to go through from my LCS to sort. I'll probably flip through those before I start logging in my new cards. I'm just hoping that I have time to get all of them done because Monday goes back to 10 hour days so I won't spend any more time down there working on my cards until next weekend and we have another show on Saturday so that already takes away one of my weekend days. If they make us stay at 40 hours then I will Friday off so that would be nice, except on the paycheck.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, they just don't make mustard cards like they used to :)


Sorry about the word verification, but blogger sucks at filtering out the comments as of late. As bad as their last update is.