
Friday, October 27, 2023

Free Show Pick-ups

I finally got the last sort done for my LCS so I went with Kevin this morning to drop them off. He gave me a bunch more to sort but they are NFL and NBA list players so I won't get much for myself as I only have a couple PC's that I can think of that are list players. Mainly 3 HOF'ers. Charles Woodson, Chris Webber and Larry Bird. We are slow enough right now that work is shut down Monday and Tuesday as well so I asked for a bunch to do since I have the time.

Today's post are a bunch of boxes that we bought at the Niles show last weekend. The guys set across from us (whom we know really well) had purchased a 3 row box from another dealer, as he was walking buy, we asked what he paid. He said $125, Kevin said I'll give you $150 without even looking at it. Sold. A little bit later, another dealer bought 4 boxes from another one. He walked by and Kevin asked what he paid. He said $175, Kevin said I'll give you $200 without looking. Sold. So I spent the next hour or so between customers going through the boxes and grabbed what I needed. 

Starting with the team collections.

All of these were in the 4 boxes. It was mainly rookies & base stuff. Lots of players that I like though. 

Next up, are Tier 3 Collections

I found these 2 of Bench. I've seen the Stadium Club before, not a fan of it, it's just weird. I'm not sure how I didn't have it before.

Now for the Tier 2.

I also picked up these 3 of Anderson. The fire is base but the other 2 are parallels. These 3 make 228 cards of Mr. Anderson.

Always like to pick up Mr. Perfect cards as I don't get too many anymore. This one gives me 384 of Buehrle, only the 2nd one that I have produced since 2016.

I also picked up this winter card of Dylan Cease. This gives me 99 cards of Dylan, one away from the century mark.

Also found these 2 of Jimenez. The mini or whatever you want to call it, I already had with the 3 together and since TCDB has them listed as one and as seperate cards, I went ahead and tore them apart. You already saw the Abreu up top, the other is in this post as well. These 2 cards make 199 of Jimenez, only 1 card from the 2 century mark.

I did find one Larkin that I needed and a Stadium Club too boot. Photography is always great (except that weird Bench card up there). This card gives me 742.

One addition to the Moncada collection as well.  This Topps Fire card gives me 223 of him.

These 3 Robert's were a nice find. You see the last piece to the card from the Triple Play in the middle. The 1st card is a 70 years of Topps and the last card is an image variation but it's not listed as a short print. Not sure what's up with that. It's a rookie card so there is that. These 3 give me 197 cards of Robert so once again, just a few cards short of the double century mark.

2 cards of Vaughn, both rookies. I had never see the first one and it's thick. It's apparently a Brooklyn Collection and the other an Optic Rated Prospects. These 2 give me 95 of Vaughn, just a little more than a few for that first century mark.

Next up Tier 2 Michigan

I also found 2 of Iggy, one being an Auto. It was actually weird as there was hardly any autos/relics but this card was in there. Either way, I'll take it along with the rookie Silver Wave. These 2 give me 30 cards of Brazdeikis.

That was actually the only Tier 2 Michigan but I did manage one from Tier 1 too.

I thought I already had this insert but of course, even the inserts have parallels. This is a die cut parallel of Tom Terrific. This card gives me 575 cards of him.

I still have 2 more pick up posts left. The cards I got from last weeks sort and I picked up a few cards at my LCS today. Plus we're doing a show on Sunday, so we'll see if I bring any cards home from that as well.


  1. Is Kevin that confident of what's gonna be in those boxes, or was he just playing the card show lottery?

    1. The first one he had looked at previously but the 4 boxes it was more of a estimated guess as we know the dealer who purchased so he figured he got a good deal and $25 more on 4 boxes really doesn't hurt with that many cards.


Sorry about the word verification, but blogger sucks at filtering out the comments as of late. As bad as their last update is.