
Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Half Off

I have a few minutes before I head to bed so I'll throw out a quick post. I went to my LCS last Friday to drop off sorting and pick up some more. While I was there, I hit the half off box again since it looked liked it got restocked. I also bought some 5 row boxes to store my Vintage Collection. Let's take a look and what I got. They are all for the White Sox collection.

I grabbed the Crochet and Sheets autos because I like both players. They are young guys that I'm hoping only get better. I've mentioned before that even though we traded Madrigal, that I really liked him with us so I try to pick up his Sox cards when I can. The purple Benintendi card, he had behind the counter and gave it to me when I got there.

The Crochet is my 34th card and my 3rd auto of his.

The Sheets is my 44th card and my 5th auto of his.

The Madrigal is my 52nd card and my 3rd auto of his.

The total on all those cards was $52, half off was $26 and he gave them to me for $20.

1 comment:

Sorry about the word verification, but blogger sucks at filtering out the comments as of late. As bad as their last update is.