
Sunday, February 4, 2024

January stats

If you've been around here for awhile, then you know how much I love my stats and as much as this is a show off what I got kind of blog, it's technically not. I don't necessarily post for everyone else, I post to have a record of what I've received which is why it looks like a show off what I got type of blog. I decided, then forgot, that I was going to do a post at the beginning of each month of the additions for the previous months. So this morning, I worked on the stats part and got my January numbers organized (and the previous 13 years by month) before starting my sorting. I also logged in my card show pick ups which you'll have to wait one more post for.

My numbers are as follows for the month of January.

  • I added 298 total cards.
    • 3 cards to my Tier 1 player collections.
    • 21 cards to my Tier 2 player collections.
    • 53 cards to my Tier 2 Michigan player collections.
    • 15 cards to my Tier 3 player collections.
    • 144 cards to my Michigan team collection.
    • 80 cards to my Chicago White Sox team collection.
    • 27 cards to my Vintage collection
    • 4 cards to my Team Card collection
  • I paid a total of $150 for the month.
  • I added $65 to my tab.
If you noticed, the numbers didn't add up. That's because some of the cards go to multiple collections, example an 1985 Topps Tom Seaver would go to Tier 1 because it's Tom Seaver, Chicago White Sox because it's a White Sox card and Vintage collection because it's 1985.

I also only paid out $150, I do have a tab with Sluggo but I only count what I actually paid out which is $150. If next month, I put $50 down on my tab, it'll show as paid out in February.

It was my 3rd highest count in regards to the month. The reason 2011 is 0 is because I hadn't started my blog yet so I didn't know what I picked up that month. I didn't start tracking until sometime in 2012 but I backdated with the blog to when it started. I still have a lot of unknown ones because I didn't show everything I received back then.

Where we are, so far.

This is total cards added by year. I have a long way to go to catch up with last year, which I doubt I'll ever add that many in a year but after one month, it's my lowest year, so far.

This is money spent by year. I couldn't add the totals at the top of each bar because it was too crowded to read. This graph shows the $150 spent as well as the $65 added to the tab so it shows $215 total spent so far this year which is already higher than I spent in 2011, 2013-2015 and 2017. 

I don't know if you'll enjoy this post at all but I did. I'll be back with cards in the next post,

1 comment:

  1. Love seeing the stats! Interesting to see how other people collect, thanks for sharing. I wish I had kept those sort of stats for my card collection.


Sorry about the word verification, but blogger sucks at filtering out the comments as of late. As bad as their last update is.