
Friday, September 16, 2011

Fantasy Friday

I’ve been wanting to do some regular features and I’ve come up with a few.  None are all that exciting but it will be nice to have some other things going on other than trade posts.  I think I’m going with a regular feature on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Today will be the first one.
This is going to be a regular feature on this blog.  So if you don’t care about fantasy sports, then don’t drop by on Friday’s because they are now going to be know as FANTASY FRIDAYS.  Your supposed to read that with a deep voice and extend the words.  Let’s try it again, FANTASY FRIDAYS.  Wasn’t that better.  I play fantasy baseball and football so this feature will be around through most of the year. 
This was week 1 in the NFL and week 1 in our fantasy league.  And my team sucked.  I scored 93, which isn’t a horrible score.  It’s actually the 2nd highest score in my division.  The problem was, I played the team that had the highest.  Of course, if I was in the other 2 divisions, my score was 2nd lowest of 8 teams.  So essentially, I sucked.  I did win an award according to the standings page.
Yahoo! Sports Fantasy Football - AACOA league
I’m going to have to print that out and put it in my trophy case.  NOT!
This is a keeper league and I had kept Philip Rivers as my QB.  The rules are there are unlimited trades until the deadline, sometime in November I think.  But you can only add/drop 5 times throughout the year.  So you have to be careful on how many of those you use. 
Here were my starter’s and their production for the week.
Yahoo! Sports Fantasy Football(1)
I should be satisfied with the 34 points that Rivers got me except that I had Chad Henne (GO BLUE!!!!) on the bench who scored 50.  Should have went with the Michigan alum.  I certainly didn’t see that one coming.  Reggie Wayne helped out with a TD, didn’t expect that either.  Manningham (GO BLUE!!!!) didn’t help me worth a crap.  49 yards receiving with no TD’s.  He probably stayed up too late watching the amazing Michigan win on Saturday night and couldn’t recover.  I can forgive a Wolverine for that I guess.  Shhh!  I know it was a late game Sunday but I need excuses for his lousy 3 points.  I had Jordy Nelson on the bench who scored 11 so I definitely could have improved had I started him.  So I’m up to 2 mistakes (+24 points) already.
The real downfall this week was at the RB position.  Mendenhall and Blount score me a total of 5 points combined.  Yes, total.  I didn’t watch the games so I don’t know what happened but ouch, that hurt!  What really hurts is the only person on the bench I could have improved with was Brandon Jacobs and he only scored 2.  But alas, it was more, I have to count it.  So now I’m at 3 mistakes for a +25 points.  I lost by 31 and I’ve made up 25, could I have made up the difference with the last 3 positions.  Let’s see.
Aaron Hernandez I certainly can’t complain about.  I remember hearing a lot of positives from him last year.  Kind of came from nowhere and made a name for himself so I took a shot at drafting him as my TE.  I had Heath Miller on the bench but he only scored 2 so finally, 1 position I didn’t make a mistake on.
When I drafted Vinatieri, I thought I was being smart.  I was thinking, no Peyton Manning means probably lots of field goals and less touchdowns.  Yeah, that didn’t play out to well for me.  I was right on the less touchdowns, but he had no field goals either.  My bench kicker, Josh Scobee with 11 points.  Damn it! (4 mistakes, +35)
And finally my defense.  Considering my choices are Green Bay and Indianapolis, that decision was fairly easy.  Let’s face it, Indy isn’t known for their defense and this year, they aren’t going to be known for their offense either.  So I got that one right.
So with the +35, I could have pulled off the upset because the 124 points was the highest in the league.  Of course, I’m not diluted enough to know that I’m going to make the perfect choices every week.  That just doesn’t happen, it’s all guess and chance.  4 of my players underperformed according to the projected scoring by yahoo.  And I certainly didn’t see Jordy Nelson or Chad Henne performing as well as they did.  Hell, only 3% of yahoo league owners started Henne and 10% started Nelson.
Here was my opponent (and yes, the BF is for Brett Favre)
Yahoo! Sports Fantasy Football(2)
As you can see, I was projected to only lose by 8 and I lost by 31.  His team overperformed by 25 points and I actually overperformed by 2.  But the 31 point loss only counts as a loss.  So I am 0-1 and in 2nd place in my division.
Yahoo! Sports Fantasy Football - AACOA league(1)
My opponent for this week – Manning4eva18.  Aka – my wife.  She only scored 89 last week, I might have a chance.  But she was only 1 win from the super bowl last year after a dominating season.  Question is, do I change any of my line-up?

1 comment:

Sorry about the word verification, but blogger sucks at filtering out the comments as of late. As bad as their last update is.