
Saturday, September 17, 2011

This week’s Michigan game

All you card bloggers can skip this post, it’s my usual pre-Michigan game.  The few of you who are Michigan fans, carry on, and GO BLUE!!!!

Last week was just scary.  Going into the 4th quarter, I looked at the Notre Dame fans sitting next to me and said “You guys do suck, you should be up by at least 30 by now.”  Once again, we came out with a soft coverage giving them 8-10 yard passes all day long.  I don’t understand it.  If Notre Dame was as good as they say they are, they should have crushed us.  But since they let us hang on, we came back and won it.  It certainly wasn’t a pretty win, but a win is a win.  As much as I want Denard to be that QB that they want him to be.  I was screaming for him to run after we couldn’t do anything with the ball.  When he did make a good throw, the receiver dropped them.  Granted, the receiver bailed him out on a lot of underthrows too.  The turnovers for both teams were just ridiculous.  And the last 1:12 were such a roller coaster.  There was so much screaming between the Michigan and Notre Dame fans.  One minute I’m happy, next I’m pissed, then elated.  I could definitely do without this rivalry.  I don’t think my heart can take it.  We can use the next 2 weeks to work on a lot of our game because it has been missing for a lot of the first 2 games.  We can use the next 2 weeks to get better for the Big Ten season because that’s when all this really counts.


I really like the above pic.  I can’t go into this week’s game because I don’t know much about Eastern Michigan.  I know what I would like to see.  I would like to see good passes from Denard.  I want to see some throws over 20 yards that don’t go 5 yards over the receivers head or 5 yards short to where the receiver has to come back.  I want to see the receivers catch all the balls that hit their hands and in stride.  I want the running backs to average at least 5 yards a carry, it should be more than that, but I can accept 5 per carry.  I want to see a shutout for the Defense.  I want the defense to guard the receivers on the line and not give them a 10 yard cushion.  I want to see Michigan football.  I don’t like this bend, but not break defense.  I want to see us dominate Eastern Michigan, like we should.


1 comment:

Sorry about the word verification, but blogger sucks at filtering out the comments as of late. As bad as their last update is.