
Thursday, May 12, 2016

I'm still here

I know, I've disappeared again. I went to scan all my March pick-ups and can't get my scanner to work. I love what they do but I hate those damn things. Every printer/scanner I've ever owned has been temperamental. Works some days, doesn't work others. All of the sudden just stop working. Stupid things.

I really don't want to sit with my camera and photograph every card, crop them, then save them to my computer. It's a lot of work and I'm lazy. I should say it's because I'm a homeowner now and have stuff to do around the house, but we all know, I'm just lazy.

What really sucks is that I can't give props to all those that sent me cards. So I want to at least give a small shout out to those that have generously sent me cards.

2 by 3 Heroes

Jeff over at 2x3 Heroes sent me another box full of cards. Being a White Sox collector, you would think he would send me all his dupe White Sox cards. He does, but he also always sends me a generous helping of vintage cards for that collection. He also hit 9 of my player collections and not all the White Sox ones. He always hits up a lot of different collections. Thanks Jeff.

Rob over at Blue Batting Helmet sent me some cards as well. All White Sox cards from a Cubs fan so I'm pretty sure he feels like he's just getting rid of his garbage but we are both first place teams right now, we'll see who's left standing at the end of the year. What Rob also sent me which was pretty awesome was a copy of a White Sox magazine (I didn't know they had one) from 2014 and the main article is a countdown of Paul Konerko's greatest moments. It also comes with a poster on the inside of it that I might have to use if I ever get a man cave. Thanks Rob.

You know Dennis at Too Many Verlanders and Too Many Manninghams is going to send me cards. He always graciously gets me cards. Noticed I changed sends me cards in the first sentence to gets me cards in the second sentence. That's because we got together at the Michigan spring game on April 1st and watched our future Wolverine team. We swapped some cards, I gave him a few and he gave me a box and then some. Like Jeff above, Dennis hit a bunch of my player collections and not all Michigan players. The nice stack was the small box of vintage cards, and by vintage, I mean a box full of 1979 Topps cards. 228 new cards to the vintage collection. Thanks Dennis.

Until I get my scanner fixed and/or replaced or figure out what else I'm going to do. I'll probably go back to the backup posts up some random cards from my collections. I am in the process of grabbing photos of the new cards off the internet and adding them to My Personal Collections blog as well as other cards are being added to My Baseball Card Obsession every few days or so. I'm still around, just not so much here until I can get my crap together.

1 comment:

  1. Aw man, that sucks. What scanner do you have? Maybe I can help. I'm glad you were able to use all those '79 Topps. If I didn't tell you before I got all those (and a bunch of others I sent in trade packages) for just $3 at a show, which I thought was ridiculous.


Sorry about the word verification, but blogger sucks at filtering out the comments as of late. As bad as their last update is.