
Sunday, May 15, 2016

PK Mail Day

I decided that I'm going to try to post cards as they come in, we'll see how long I can keep up. I get cards in the mail more days than not so that should give me a few posts a week, plus I may throw a random cards post in once in awhile.

I checked the mail yesterday after I got home from seeing Captain America: Civil War, awesome movie by the way. I only got one card, but it was for one of my top collections.

1995 Upper Deck Minors Organizational Profiles
To the casual fan, you wouldn't think that Konerko has too many cards in the Dodgers or Reds uniforms but you'd be wrong. At least about the Dodgers, this is my 45th of him with them. 

I grabbed this one on Ebay for $.54/shipped. I'm closing in on my 400th different Paul Konerko card, this one is number 395.

1 comment:

Sorry about the word verification, but blogger sucks at filtering out the comments as of late. As bad as their last update is.