
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

2 cards equals 3 each

I put my January purchases on random and came up with today's post.

I decided that the 1 card Michigan pick-ups, I would show with 2 cards, just to give me some extra days to play with in case I don't get around to posting. Today is one of those posts.

This is a nice shiny card. This Jourdan Lewis is only my 3rd card of his so I definitely need to search out at least a few more.

Again, this 1 card pick up is the 3rd of his collection. This one is better then the shiny one above it because of the Maize and Blue. This card also goes to the Michigan collection.


  1. Hey, that Higdon looks pretty cool! I hadn't seen that before so now I'll want to track it down too. The Lewis looks great too, and his stuff is just hard to find for some reason--I only have four of him.

    1. Don't hunt one down. I accidentally bought 2, 1 from 2 different sellers. I have that and a few other cards to send you that I don't think you have.


Sorry about the word verification, but blogger sucks at filtering out the comments as of late. As bad as their last update is.