
Tuesday, February 4, 2020

the Only Cub

This time, instead of trying to buy 3 cards of each PC, I'd find a card I wanted, searched for it and then found a seller that offers the free shipping to the SL box and looked for players that I just wanted more cards of some it generally just depended on my mood on who I searched for. Some some posts will have 1 cards, some will have a bunch.

I randomized my lists of post for February and ended up with a Tier 1 player who you've seen here in the last couple of weeks.

I wish I could say all those aren't reprints, buy they are. The truth is, I have the original of the 1st card (his rookie), the 2nd card doesn't actually exist and I don't have the original of the last card. These 3 do put the Billy Williams collection at 70 cards though.

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