Today's selection is a former Wolverine who you'll also see over at TMM when I get around to posting all my new Michigan cards.

*For those new to the blog, all purchases were made on Ebay (unless otherwise noted) and all were under $.50/shipped.
Well I said he was a former Wolverine so you know that Dennis was going to send some over because he's cool like that. I'm not positive, but I think these might be my first ones of his in the maize and blue. I think I have one that is technically in his Michigan jersey but it's unlicensed to they took the wings off his helmet but I could be wrong on that. Either way, it's great to see him in that uniform again.
Check out My Personal Collections (now with over 2600 cards) and My Baseball Card Obsession (now with over 3300 cards and over 1000 different card labels and 1625 players).