I spent the morning finishing up the NFL I was sorting before jumping in on moving my card room/office into my son's old room. He ran off in the fall of last year to college and the plan was to keep his room until he was out of college but him and his girlfriend got an apartment off campus so since they officially have their own place, I get to take his room. I had to finish the sorting cards first because they were all stacked up on my desk.
My desk was the biggest issues as it is huge. We had to take it apart into 3 pieces to get it through the door. I've got everything up and where it's going to go but I might do some changes the next few days. I'm tossing around some ideas in my head so we'll see where that goes before I start posting pictures.
The main reason for moving into the room was my current card room was an open area at the bottom of the stairs. The stairs go into the living room and is all open so I had to turn the volume up on my music/tv to block out the wife's tv or music. Now that I'm in my own actual room, I'll be able to shut the door so we don't disturb each other.
The plan is to run to the LCS tomorrow and buy some 5 row boxes so I can get my White Sox collection stored properly and out of the dresser they are currently in. My new room has a little bit more room which will allow me to spread out some.
Most of the NFL that I sorted were from around 2016 so as far as list players go, the only thing I collect were Charles Woodson. If there were current cards to sort, I could have at least gotten some Nico Collins or Aidan Hutchinson as they are on the list.
There was a pretty big stack but these were the only 2 that I needed out of all of them. I think I grabbed one for Dennis as well so I only ended up getting 3 cards out of the sort. That doesn't bother me as the LCS takes pretty good care of me, he's even knocking off a couple bucks of each of the 5 row boxes I'm buying tomorrow. These 2 give me 58 cards of Woodson.If you remember last year, my mom bought me some cards for Christmas. Since she now has my cousin at her disposal, she has him pick me out cards I want and buys them. I figured she'd do it again this year and I was right. I asked my cousin to pick up an auto of a certain player that we've sold a bunch of. He's hot right now and his auto's aren't cheap and I didn't want to drop a bunch of money. I figured I'd wait until his 2nd or 3rd year autos came out and I'd be able to get them cheaper but I asked him to grab me one to get for my mom to give to me and he came through.

I would have preferred him in Michigan or a non-sticker auto but I certainly can't complain about this rookie, 3 color patch, autographed and numbered to /199. It's not quite as dark as the scan makes it out to be but what can you do. Kevin called up a guy we set up with, who is also a Michigan fan as he always has cards I want and met him and picked it up. I know what he paid and he got a great deal on it so I'll have to thank Nick or Jackson, depending on if he bought it from the father or son, when I see him. This is my second relic but my first autograph and is my 31st card of Hutch.The next few days are birthday posts and we have a show on the 31st so we'll see if I get another actual post out before New Years. I have a game to watch that day too so we'll see when I get one out. If I don't see you before then, have a happy and safe one.