Nick was born on this day in 1997, making him 28 today.
MLB Debut - July 21st (White Sox)
Years Active -
- 2020-2021 (White Sox)
- 2022-2024 (Cubs)
Cards on TCDB - 3469 cards (2025)
Cards I have - 104 cards (2025)
PC Rank - #31 (#47 overall)
TCDB Rank - #4
Where they came from -
- F&G Sportscards (53 cards)
- Sluggos (29 cards)
- Sportlots (7 cards)
- Baseball Card Exchange (1 card)
- Box Break (1 card)
- Card Show-Mishawaka (1 card)
- Card Show-Shipshewana (1 card)
- Card Show-Warsaw (1 card)
- Corey Tyler (1 card)
- Ebay (1 card)
- Fred Sawyer (1 card)
- Hollister's (1 card)
- Joe Migas (1 card)
- Josh Stewart (1 card)
- the National (1 card)
- the Sports Stash (1 card)
- Too Many Verlanders (1 card)
Happy Birthday Nick!