- My Sports Obsession – Index – This site I am taking all photos from My Sports Obsession, My Sports Obsession II, Too Many Manninghams (just my photos), and my sports related boards on Pinterest and combining them all into this blog. They are tagged with players and teams so you can go to the bottom, click what you want and view everything on my sites.
- My Baseball Card Obsession – This site I am taking all the single card photos on my blogs, and some of yours and posting them. They are labeled with team, player as well as the set name. See below by what I mean by some of your cards as well.
- My Personal Collections – This site I am posting all the single card photos that are a part of my PC’s. They are labeled with only the name of that collection. I plan on having all my PC cards pictured but that’s a long way off.
The My Baseball Card Obsession blog, what I meant by using some of your cards is, I go through my Feedly and the first 5 posts that I come across that have a photo of single cards, I post them to this site, and then the remaining posts (up to 50) I post from my previously posted cards. When I do eventually get caught up, I will post more of your cards as I won’t have very many a day on my blog. I do plan on putting a blog roll on this blog and once I use cards from your site, I will add your link to the blog roll.
If you want to use the labels on the My Baseball Card Obsession and My Personal Collections, if will only show you the labels from the cards shown (which are the last 50 posts, I believe) so if you want to see the labels from the whole blog, scroll all the way to the bottom, then click the labels button at the top. I’m trying to find an alternative way to do that, I just haven’t taken much time to do so yet.
And just so you get to see a card here, here is the latest Random Relic/Auto post.
These are all the cards that are not part of my PC. They will all be either Chicago White Sox cards from the White Sox collection or Michigan cards from the Michigan collection.