
This blog is about sports cards. I tend to only purchase cheap items so don't come hear expecting to see big money cards. My teams collections are Chicago White Sox and Michigan Wolverines. I also have a bunch of player collections.

Monday, November 18, 2019

5 card start of the week

Some things change, some don't. I got some more cards in the mail today, 5 to be exact and I'm also on day 7 of not being able to pay for a card I won. Ebay won't help, they just ignore my tweets now and I'm done talking to them on the phone, because they don't actually listen to me. I have a little less than 4 days before all my bids are done then I'm out, they won't get another dime from me. I'm loyal to those that are loyal to me. That goes for businesses too. I used to go to a certain gas station and only that gas station until they tried to run my card for $100 and denied my $20 of gas. I haven't been back since because I think $100 is a tad ridiculous. I started going to a different gas station, they had a rewards card where I earned money off my gas. I'd save it up and then get a car wash on the day I turned it in so my savings pretty much covered the car wash. They no longer do the rewards program. I don't go there anymore. Well, I still do on occasion, I understand their decision but I don't go out of my way to use them like I used to.

I'm loyal to a fault, you screw with that, I'm out. Ebay has pretty much ignored my issues. I may not spend high dollar but I do buy quite a bit of stuff. They won't miss my money, and I won't miss dealing with their crap.

I'm looking at Sportslots once my bids are up. I've been looking around it some, trying to figure out the shipping, reading reviews, ect. I'm pretty sure I'll go with them considering Dennis purchases there all the time so they can't be that bad.

Until then, you still get to see the last of my Ebay purchases. Like the following 5 cards that I got from 2 sellers. The following card came in one envelope and the final 4 in the other.

I've probably skipped past this card a bunch of times thinking I had it but I actually took the time to see if I did, I didn't. I picked it up for $.54/shipped which is a little steep for a 87 Donruss but oh well. I guess I can say it's a quarter for each collection since it goes in the Vintage collection as well. Speaking of, it is my 282nd card from 1987 Donruss set and my 132nd of Schmidt.

I picked up these 3 for the White Sox collection. Technically, I picked up another Giolito as well but it was the same card I showed in the last post, apparently I won 2 of them.

It is my 11th card of Wilhelm ($.45/shipped), 22nd of Fulmer ($.37/shipped), my 3rd of Alonso and my 53rd of Moncada ($.49/shipped). The following card also came from the same seller.

I also picked up my 91st card of Bench. It comes from the same Archives set (2018) as the Wilhelm and Moncada. I picked it up for $.45/shipped.

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